Check in/out Modules
The user-friendly solution for sample loading/unloading.
FlexLabTM has a range of different input modules, designed to fit the accessioning procedures of every clinical lab, including sample transportation. Fully adaptable to clinical workflows used in the pre-analytical phase

Input/Output Module X Open Access (IOX Open Access)
Loads/unloads sample tubes in Inpeco & third-party racks onto/from FlexLab. Inpeco racks can load onto 16 lanes for various functions: input, output, sorting, parking, and error management. Third-party racks load onto dedicated adapters. Module throughput: up to 1000 tubes/h.

Rack Input Module (mRIM)
Fast and easy loading of test sample tubes from racks onto the clinical laboratory’s automation system. The RIM hosts a queue of 6 racks, guaranteeing up to 1000 tubes per hour as throughput.

Rack Output Module (ROM)
Unloads test sample tubes into racks when sample testing is completed, or tubes need to be sorted. Maximum throughput of up to 800 tubes per hour.

Bulk Input Module (BIM)
Allows direct loading of capped sample tubes on the clinical laboratory’s automation system without using racks, eliminating additional manual interventions by the operator. This module has a throughput of up to 1,000 tubes per hour.

Bulk Output Module (BOM)
Uses a robot to pick test sample tubes from the laboratory automation system, placing them into a box without using racks. Immediate sorting of samples that do not require storage. Throughput: up to 1,200 tubes per hour.