Total Patient Management officially launched
Inpeco is leading the test for the set-up of a digital Personal Health Repository, together with Sardinia Region and CRS4 and including Microsoft as partner

Switzerland, September 8th. Inpeco and Sardinia Region officially launched the Total Patient Management (TPM), during a private meeting at the Region headquarter, in Cagliari, with CRS4 (public, regional research company) and Microsoft. The meeting also gave chance to announce the partnership with Microsoft, selected by Inpeco as technological partner for the Cloud management.The TPM project is an ambitious solution that, leveraging Inpeco legacy and competences on data automation and traceability, aims at building a sort of digital drawer where patients can store personal health records and can access them anytime/anywhere or can share them with clinicians.
This projects starts in Sardinia region with the goal of building and testing here a prototype to export all over the world. In this Region Inpeco has been working with CRS4 and local IT companies for some years now; thanks to these long lasting relationships and to the advanced IT Health infrastructure of the region, the area appeared as an ideal place where to start such an important test. Inpeco president, Mr Andrea Pedrazzini, commented on the planned investments in Sardinia region, where Inpeco spent 4 Mil€ in the past years: “Inpeco invests around 10% of its revenue in R&D and our center in Pula is very important for our product development teams; we will keep investing additional 5 Mil€ in this region to support current programs and TPM, which is an ambitious project that will eventually change the way to consider the clinical data and their security, by tracking every single step of their production in order to help limiting errors in Healthcare”The president of CRS4, Mr. Luigi Filippini, said “The TPM project will allow Sardegna to leverage the outcomes of this test and – thanks to these industrial partners – to export our model outside the region, to the country and potentially to the world”. Also, the President of the Region, Mr Pigliaru, said that the local government is happy to “be successful in attracting important and innovative companies at worldwide level such as Inpeco and Microsoft”.Based on the Memo of Understanding signed with Microsoft, the big IT Corporation will be on board bringing the competence to complete the “last mile” of the project, enabling a secure access to personal data, over the Cloud; Mr Carlo Purassanta commented: “Cloud Computing is an innovative tool that can support cost control, care optimization and ease of access to personal health records; I am proud to contribute to the TPM project together with Inpeco and Sardinia region, it brings concrete benefits to citizens and health enterprises”.