ProTube™ on show in New Orleans
Inpeco new Positive Patient Identification/Traceability Device for hands-on demo at the American Lab Quality Conference

Inpeco is showcasing its exciting new Positive Patient Identification/Traceability Device – ProTube™ at the 10th Anniversary Lab Quality conference in New Orleans, on October 18th-19th.
The Conference provides lab administrators, managers, and quality team members’ access to a complete array of professional training in the methods of Lean, Six Sigma, process improvement, and quality management systems.
ProTube™ is the ideal complementary step to increase the quality of any Clinical Lab workflow, by solving one of the most critical issues that happen at point zero of the diagnostic route: the correct identification of patient, tubes and labels at the blood draw moment.
It is actually at this point that 60% of most common Lab errors originate; securing this step guarantees the quality of the consequent automated activities. ProTube™ ensures total reliability and complete sample traceability along all phases of blood sampling.