ProTube™ – First commercial installation
Inpeco announces the first commercial installation of the ProTube™ System inside the “Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese” and “USL 7 di Siena (P.O. Montepulciano)” facilities

In August, 15 collection points (11 in Siena and 4 in Montepulciano) have been set up. Up-to-date 6380 patients have been handled in Siena with a daily average of 110, whereas in Montepulciano 1730 patients have been processed with a daily average of 108.
“The ProTube™ System has been received with enthusiasm by our operators and is of great help for the pre-pre analytical phase” told us Carlo Scapellato, the director of the laboratory of Siena.
“The ProTube™System lays the basis for a wider project focused on the complete traceability and safety of the patient care process” added Marilena Fantacci, the director of the laboratory of Montepulciano.
ProTube™ is the new Inpeco solution able to automate a fundamental part of the path of the sample towards the final diagnostic result: the pre-pre analytical phase. With this tool any human error is avoided, the patient is safer and the sample is traced from the very beginning.